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Conscious Awareness of the Body with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Body, mind, emotion and spirit are one thing, the human being, not pieces that are put together like a jigsaw puzzle. Working on any perspective of who we are has obligatory effects on the rest of who we are. This is why working on the body is a powerful way to work on the whole self.            

Energy Medicine with Bernd Friedlander, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Touch, magnetic fields, sunlight, colors, and sound all have powerful effects on our biochemistry and physiology. We are all made of energy, and increasing energy in the body promotes healing. The mind has an intuitive ability to affect our physiology as well. Dr. Friedlander gives examples of what his approach can do.          

Energy Psychology

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Energy psychology is coming into its own as a bonified field of psychology. It originally developed from applied kinesiology and muscle testing. According to Eugene Gendlin, psychotherapy is about energetic shifts, called a felt shift, that happen when someone finds new meaning on a life issue. There are interesting tapping techniques that can activate energy...

How to Support a Dying Family Member

submitted by: admin on 11/06/2013
If we are fortunate to have our parents until they are old, we need to be prepared when the end is in sight. This is an emotional time and not all families agree on what should be done, or even get along very well. So it is a good idea to ask your parent about their end of life wishes while they are able to make these important decisions.  Vicki tells...

Hypertension and Qigong with Michael Mayer, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Qigong is an ancient form of exercise that cultivates the energy of life by synchronizing breath and movement, certain postures, using touch, sound and imagery. Blood pressure is modifyable through the breath and imagery.            

Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Ofer Erez Movement Specialist, SugiTouch™, Sugi Fitness™ Background Ofer Erez has dedicated his life to learning about and teaching health, fitness and movement in the wisest, safest, most natural, and most useful ways possible. Throughout the last two decades, Ofer has taught hundreds of students the Sugi techniques for better workouts...

Role of the Shaman in Healing

submitted by: admin on 03/06/2014
Science and spirituality are on the same spectrum but on opposite poles. Vicki and I believe they are always perfectly aligned and congruent. Modern science does not understand the nature of spirit or how it works and rather than study it, it chooses to simply throw it out and leave it to the domain of the church. This is not good science! Hiding our scientific...

Sugi Touch with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Sugi is Japanese for cedar tree and has connotations for holiness, eternity, and peace. Sugi touch is a hands on healing method blended from Feldenkrais and Alexander work. This gentle work can be powerful & life changing. Ofer describes what Sugi touch is and how it works.            

Touch with Deane Juhan

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Touch has a profound effect on our development. Sensate awareness regulates how our physiology and emotions develop and operate. We can learn more about who we are through touch and it is a powerful tool for recovery.          

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