Member Benefits

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2025


Dr. Saputo has decided to make all health and wellness programs available for free!


We would like to thank everyone who signed up for our health and wellness programs! Because of your support over the last year we are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer all of our health and wellness programs free of charge. It is our committment to your health and well being. All you have to do now is sign up to become a member and you will recieve the benefits of all of our health and wellness programs!


Doctor Saputo Wellness Program


Member Benefits are our MAIN focus at  The majority of our team works on constantly creating new and innovative offerings for our members.  Our goal is to help you reach optimal health and maintain that level by using the latest, integrative and cutting-edge medical information available.  We do this through:


  • Over 2,000 Unique, Member-Only, Premium Audio, Video and Text Pages
  • Exclusive Monthly multi-media Newsletters by Len Saputo, M.D.
  • A Keyword-searchable Media Library
  • Personalized Assessment Surveys to monitor your wellness over time
  • Personal Wellness Coach Access who is matched specifically to you
  • Private and Secure Member Home Page Interactive Dashboard
  • Audio and Video material included free with your Premium Membership 


Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Program Membership is Free

This Program on is our main offering and we suggest everyone become a member to take advantage of the powerful self assessment tools we have designed for you. You can become a member of any program on that you feel will support you in your personal health and well-being. Our program offers you a fantastic array of health measurement and assessment tools that will help you learn how to work with the specific medical challenges you are facing or keep you healthy with our preventative, lifestyle-monitoring tools. Our program is designed specifically for YOU.  Our suggestions for consideration are based on how you answered your Health Assessment Surveys, and guides you to information tailored to your unique personal needs. You will have access to nearly 2,000 content pages that have video, audio and text information from Dr. Saputo, Nurse Vicki and our world-renown experts. Our highly secure system respects your privacy and we protect your information with the latest technology. Our promise is to help empower you in every way with cutting edge information that you and your health care practitioner can consider. A six-month absolutiely free membership is available to you When you Click Here to become a member of Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Program you will receive:

Tracking of all of your health care conditions online

Lifestyle is our most important prescription for good health. At you can track your progress over time using our unique tracking system on your very own home page. Once you become a member you can follow your lifesytyle changes and your improvement over time of any health care condition you have and see how much healthier you are becoming. Please watch the video below by Dr. Saputo on member benefits and tracking lifestyle changes!


Become a Member now! Click Here to Join the Doctor Saputo Wellness Program

Member Benefits for (Video)


More than 20 health assessment surveys that relate to your health conditions 

To see how Dr. Saputo's health assessment work, begin by taking Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Assessment. After you complete this short asessment you will get instant results that lead to audio, video, and text file that are relevant to how you answered your health assessment. It's a lot like being in the doctors office! If you like what you see, you can then sign up for one of the health and wellness programs that we offer, all of them are free with no strings attached. It's our committment to your good health!

We are constantly adding more assessment surveys to the site to try and cover ALL common health issues!

Click Here to learn more about our wellness assesments


Live Streaming Prescription for Health Radio Shows with Dr. Len, Nurse Vicki, and their guests with live call ins


Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki, as she is so affectionately known, have been providing cutting edge mainstream and complementary and alternative health information for their audience for more than a decade. You will have access to live call ins where you can ask Dr. Len, Nurse Vicki and their guest questions regarding your health issues.


Prescription's for Health Radio is live on Mondays from 12:00 - 1:00 pm (PST) on the Progressive Radio Network and is archived for 24/7 listening pleasure!


Doctor Saputo Radio


Full Access to all 2,000 plus audio and video's,  including "premium" audios and videos reserved for members only on


There are several ways to search for the content that interests you. You can use the library and type in the subject you want to learn about, or you can go to keywords to find the content you are looking for. The best way to find content is to take one of our 20 wellness assessment surveys reserved for members of You will instantly receive results which will give you access to "premium" audio's and video's chosen by Dr. Saputo that are specific to the questions you answered in the assessment survey that you took. Please note that we are constantly adding new media to this site and will continue to do so indefinitely.


Wellness Coach Access for Members

The core team members at are professional Wellness Coaches who are experts in their individual field. These are "real people" and Members can choose who they would like to be "Matched" with during the Application Process.  Wellness Coaches are there for you when you need them to assist you in dealing with your concerns and helping you interpret your Wellness Assessment Data if you want. Each week your data will be automatically transformed into graphs and charts that make it easy to see how you are doing with just a glance. You can choose to simply "know" that your Wellness Coach is there for you and use on your own, or you can engage in working with your Coach via the Communication Manager Email service by telephone, Skype, or private sessions. Each Wellness Coach has their own pricing structure, which should be discussed prior to commencing possible treatment. is unique because it is not only possible to learn about mainstream and CAM solutions to your health issues but also have access to health care professionals who have been hand picked by Dr. Saputo himself. It is possible to get personalized integrative health care solutions for your health issues by working with your own health care practitioner and/or with one of our Wellness Coaches.

To view a list of availble wellness coaches at, please click on the link below!


Wellness Coaches


Become a Member today!   Doctor Saputo Wellness Program

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Why Become a Member of

  • Membership is always free at
  • Member Assessment Results are securely archived
  • All Archived Member Data is accessible 24/7
  • Members can Track Progress over time
  • Members receive Dr. Saputo's Monthly Newsletter


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