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5G and Covid 19 with Beverly Rubik PhD

submitted by: admin on 06/02/2020
Interview with Beverly Rubik, PhD on the dangers of 5G to our health and specifically with Covid 19. The concept of the "wellness buffer" and how it has to cause metabolic disease in everyone is presented along with new research Dr. Rubik has done that shows the effects of 4G resulting in hypercoagulation. This could explain why so many people who are...

A Return To Healing Chapter 6: Wellness, Prevention, and Healing: A New Direction for Medicine

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Shifting the model of health care from "disease" care to "health" care is necessary if we're going to enjoy good health. Preserving our level of wellness and detecting disease early are critical. Wellness includes body, mind, emotion, and spirit and an understanding of curing and healing. We need a new model: Health Medicine.         A...

Adverse Effects of Statins

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Whenever  drug is criticised, big pharma comes to the rescue to salvage profits. What else would you expect when the reason big pharma exists is to make profits for their shareholders. Last year (2013) the British Medical Journal printed an article that criticized a previous article published in the same journal that suggested extending treatment with statins...

Adverse Medical Events Outside the Hospital

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Most clinical trials assessing adverse medical events (AMEs) have focused on inpatient care. Now there's a study looking at AMEs in private practice and it shows that the numbers are about the same. Most AMEs are from surgeries, diagnostic testing, and treatment errors. Every year there are about 11,000 paid malpractice suits that represent the tip of the...

App for Chinese Tongue Analysis is Here

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Internet services are expanding at the speed of light. Now there is an "app" that takes a photo of your tongue and provides an analysis of your health! Your "zheng," or overall physical status, is determined and texted back to you. This provides an opportunity to test for an underlying disease process so you can deal with it. In conventional...

Basic Fundamentals of Good Health with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
In today's health care system we wait until we get sick before we seek help. There are 3 core fundamentals: acid-base balance, hormonal balance, and gut transition time. Routine lab tests measure abnormalities that are far advanced. The wellness buffer is discussed. Lifestyle and purpose determine our level of wellness.            

Beth Greer

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Beth Greer Certified Build It Green® Healthy Home Makeover Specialist Credentials Beth Greer, Super Natural Mom®, is an award-winning journalist, holistic health educator, impassioned champion of toxin-free living, and radio talk show host, who is leading a movement of awareness and responsibility about healthy home, school and work environments. ...

Bottom-Up Health Care: Eat Right, Eat Local

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Dr. Len Saputo, co-author of A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine, describes one city's goal to improve the healthfulness of food city-wide. He argues "we can do programs at the local level...and set an example for the surrounding community." ----- Dr. Len Saputo and Byron Belitsos talk about A Return...

Bruce Presnick, DC

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
    Bruce Presnick, DC Chiropractor Background Dr. Bruce Presnick is a chiropractor who has been in private practice since 1978. He has a post-graduate degree in Chiropractic Orthopedics and specializes in sports injuries, carpal tunnel, post-trauma, fitness, and holistic approaches to health. His purpose is to help people achieve...

Can Coronary Arteriograms Cause Strokes?

submitted by: admin on 02/11/2014
A study published in the January 2014 issue of the Journal of Invasive Cardiology showed that small cerebral microemboli (blood clots) occur regularly during coronary arteriograms. While this leads to micro-strokes, they are usually occult and are not associated with obvious deficits. Nonetheless, they occur as a routine and do cause small areas of damage...

Can the US Economy Afford Preventive Health Care

submitted by: admin on 09/13/2014
US health care depends on our being sick and has become a business as its first priority. That is why we can spend almost three trillion dollars a year and still be ranked 37th in the world in the overall qualiity of health care by the World Health Organization! Throwing dollars at health care does not guarantee high quality health care!  If there was...

Cancer as a Disease of Energy Deficiency

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Deficiency of energy production is the cause of cancers of older age. They are preventable by increasing energy production, using insulin potentiated therapy (IPT), and support wellness in every patient. IPT is explained. It is possible to increase energy production by using nutritional support and exercise.          

Cancer Treatment Options

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2015
  The treatment of cancer today is limited to mainstream therapies that include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In some states like California it is a felony to use integrative CAM therapies. Often times patients have to travel to other states or countries to obtain the treatment they want. Living a healthy lifestyle is usually more powerful...

Cancer: Managing it with Lifestyle

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Lifestyle is the most potent treatment we have for cancer. Exercise, weight control, and vitamin D levels may lower the risk for getting cancer and also prolong life. Increasing our "wellness buffer" is one of the best kept secrets in cancer prevention and treatment.              

Chronic Illnesses Require Chronic Solutions with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
A quick fix for chronic problems is not often realistic. Being consistent to neutralize our trouble is the key. Stress is another problem that takes a consistent effort. The wellness buffer and looking at underlying problems is discussed.

Community Coaching with Meg Jordan, PhD, RN

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Community coaching is about being culturally competent; they help us understand and respect other peoples' beliefs and standards. Integrative wellness coaching is a central part of wellness. Learning how to be an ally though social belonging and meaning a purpose of integrative wellness coaching. Healing circles are reviewed.

Creating Wellness Naturally with Nutrition

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
This is a promo video for hospitals to introduce Integrative Hospital Services.          

Creating Wellness Through Lifestyle

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Primary care is lifestyle medicine and promotes wellness through prevention. Mainstream medicine depends on our getting sick and relying on medications, technologies and surgeries.              

Creating Wellness with Nutrition

submitted by: admin on 09/28/2018
  Lifestyle is the most powerful medicine in the universe, so the style in which you live your life matters! Our diet is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. As Hippocrates said 2500 years ago, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." Our cells are microscopic industrial plants that require the raw materials needed...

David McArthur, JD

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
David McArthur, JD Spiritual Support   Background David McArthur is a spiritual counselor, HeartMath® specialist, ordained Unity minister, author, executive director of Intelligent Heart, and an international lecturer and teacher in the science of reversing stress and accessing personal levels of wisdom and guidance. He is presently...

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