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Anti Depressants

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Balancing neurotransmitters may make us feel better, but it does not solve the underlying reasons for depression. Today's psychiatry we must do the hard work of dealing with issues in our lives that are substantial enough that we cannot resolve them without profound despair.                

Bodymind Communication with Sandy Blakeslee

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We carry our traumatic experiences in our muscles and nervous system long after the trauma. This can lead to PTSD. Bodyworkers can help release the held trauma so the PTSD leaves.        


submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
There is an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Today's world is filled with emotional challenge. How many families do you know that aren't dysfunctional? And who do you know that has not spent time with a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist at some time in their life? In some circles it is almost a status symbol to be in psychotherapy! And, it is...

Depression Management

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
  This overview of depression reviews what depression is, how it is manifested, and what can be done to treat it. The underlying psychological causes for depression cannot treated by anti-depressants. Yet psychiatrists have become psycho-pharmacologists rather than therapists. Current literature now questions that antidepressants are any stronger than...

Expressing Your True Self with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
Habits hold us back; we learn them. As children our role models often create problems for us that haunt us for the rest of our lives unless we evolve. Physical dysfunction often is the result of role models that don't serve our needs. Choice is what can save us, so long as we can express it; from the truth of ourself. Therapy is learning what doesn't...

Fibromyalgia Overview

submitted by: admin on 12/23/2019
This is an introduction to what fibromyalgia is and the challenges we have in making the diagnosis. Mainstream and CAM treatments are reviewed. There is a defect in energy production that can be measured. Management of the pain is straightforward most of the time using infrared light therapy, a balance of rest and exercise, and somatic therapies.            

Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet with Emmett Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The vast majority of illnesses are changeable with our thought processes. Your experience of health is related to how you process information. Conflict is what leads to disease. The bipolar universe encourages conflict. Being present and oneness lead to love and connection and compassion for all things. The new paradigm honors unity.          

Holism and Bodymind Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Body, mind, emotion, and spirit are inseparable. They are one thing, not four. What you think regulates the biochemistry and physiology of the body. Imagery is the language of the mind and what we imagine is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Physical disease is the somatic expession of psychospiritual dis-ease.            

How Exhaustion Can Increase Your Risk for a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
A Mount Sinai School of Medicine study presented at the November 2014 American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions stated that fatigue, irritability, and demoralization can increase the risk of first time cardiovascular disease by 36%. This is known as "vital exhaustion." In Japan this syndome is known as Karoshi and in general medicine there's...

Insomnia Linked to Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 04/12/2015
  Older adults with insomnia have an altered immune response to stress that increases levels of interlukin 6 up to 4 fold, which may increase the risk of illness and death. In this study that was published in February of 2012 in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, there were 83 people with an average age of 61. Twenty seven percent were poor...

Introduction to Somatic Therapy with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Somatic means embodiment of who we are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We have natural healing mechanisms that keep us in a healthy balance. Where the life is in each person is very valuable information needed to begin the healing process. When we stop fighting there is a relaxation and silence and not knowing that allows what we don't...

Preview: Stress Anxiety and PTSD

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Stress in the short term boosts our ability to cope with stress, but when it becomes longterm it creates major problems with our health. When we're stressed and don't have the tools to deal with it, we repress the situation but it remains in our bag of problems. This can lead to PTSD. It is possible to identify and re-address these problems at a time later in...

Solutions for Spousal Abuse

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
  Spousal abuse is far more common that most of us realize. Actually, abuse is common in most marriages; perhaps that is why 50% of marriages end in divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorse, and 75% of third marriages end in divorce. It is why marriage couselling is so common! All to often courting leads to both people being on their best...

Somatic Experiencing with Linda Chrisman, MA, CMT

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The work of Peter Levine, PhD is explored and related to how we can deal with PTSD. This powerful tool can help people who are stuck in psychotherapy move out of their head and into their body to explore old traumas.          

Somatics and Peak Performance with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Building on our strengths to increase our capacity is a powerful tool. Movement and breath help us access peak performance at every level. Being in the moment allows us to fully concentrate on what we're doing; it is the zone.          

Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/15/2016
Stress in the short term boosts our ability to cope with stress, but when it becomes longterm it creates major problems with our health. When we're stressed and don't have the tools to deal with it, we repress the situation but it remains in our uconscious unresolved. This can lead to PTSD. It is possible to identify and re-address these problems at a...

Traumatic Stress Linked to Elevated Inflammation in Heart Patients

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Greater lifetime exposure to the stress of traumatic events is linked to higher levels of inflammatory markers in a study of about 1000 patients with heart disease. Heart disease patients with higher levels of inflammation tended to have worse outcomes. Traumatic stress can have a longterm negative effect even if PTSD is not apparent. People with a history of...

Using Energy Medicine with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The internal enegy of the body can be used to manage our psysical dysfunction. The language of energy medicine is essential to understand what energy is and how we use it. It is possible to take control of what's happening in us; it is what healing is about. Mainstream medicine looks to solve problems by altering the dense physical body. From the energy perspective,...

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