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Abused Kids Have Long Term Resistant Depression

submitted by: admin on 06/20/2018
Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse occur in 10-25% of kids and often leads to PTSD that is long term and resistant to treatment. Balancing neurotransmitters is treating symptoms not the cause. The best treatment addresses the underlying cause and often involves both psychotherapy and somatic psychotherapy.                

Addiction with Julia Ross, MA

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Illegal drugs are not the most common form of addiction. Addiction to food is a serious problem. Carbohydrates such as sugar and refined flour are two of the most common culprits. The brain has four appetite regulating sites that can be modified to help solve this problem.                    

Anti Depressants

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Balancing neurotransmitters may make us feel better, but it does not solve the underlying reasons for depression. Today's psychiatry we must do the hard work of dealing with issues in our lives that are substantial enough that we cannot resolve them without profound despair.                

Can Being Slim be Harmful to Your Health

submitted by: admin on 04/30/2014
Being underweight has a higher risk for dying than being overweight in older healthy people according to an article published in the March 2014 issue of the Journal  of Epidemiology and Public Health. This conclusion was based on a review of 51 studies that reviewed the links between body mass index (BMI) and death from any cause.  Results...

Cholesterol Drug Combinations

submitted by: admin on 08/14/2017
How low should cholesterol be lowered? Vytorin is a drug that contains both Zocor and Zetia and lowers cholesterol very powerfully. Most cardiologists believed this is really beneficial because the risk for heart attack goes down substantially. However, when a study was done on this and looked at all cause mortality, it was probably slightly increased!  Cholesterol...

Common Drugs Linked to Cognitive Decline

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Medications with anticholinergic activity, which include many drugs taken by older adults, cause cognitive impairment. Over the counter sleeping aids such as Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom are especially problematic. Other drugs include Paxil, Detol, Demerol, and Elavil. Anticholinergics work by blocking the brain's neurotransmitter,...

Creating Vibrant Health with Hyla Cass, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Chronic stress can make us dependent on a chronic adrenalin response. Change your diet to high quality carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Eventually this leads to adrenal failure and the need to rebuild the adrenal glands. Many important nutrients become deficient and we cannot make our neurotransmitters and we crash.

Curing Depression with Burton Goldberg

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
We overuse antidepressants and they are not very effective and are not safe. Poor nutrition is an often overlooked cause of depressive symptoms. Amino acid deficiencies relate to neurotransmitter deficiencies and can be measured & balanced.


submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
There is an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Today's world is filled with emotional challenge. How many families do you know that aren't dysfunctional? And who do you know that has not spent time with a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist at some time in their life? In some circles it is almost a status symbol to be in psychotherapy! And, it is...

Depression Management

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
  This overview of depression reviews what depression is, how it is manifested, and what can be done to treat it. The underlying psychological causes for depression cannot treated by anti-depressants. Yet psychiatrists have become psycho-pharmacologists rather than therapists. Current literature now questions that antidepressants are any stronger than...

Depression Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
This video reviews what depression is, how it is manifested, and what can be done to treat it. The underlying psychological causes for depression cannot treated by anti-depressants. Yet psychiatrists have become psycho-pharmacologists rather than therapists. Current literature now questions that antidepressants are any stronger than placebo. Big pharma sponsored...

Eight Weeks to Vibrant Health with Hyla Cass, MD.

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Prescriptions are not the best answer for the everyday stresses of life. There is an epidemic of adrenalin addiction. Chronic stress can make us dependent on a chronic adrenalin response. Eventually, this leads to adrenal failure and the need to rebuild the adrenal glands. Many important nutrients become deficient and we cannot make our neurotransmitters and...

Gut Microbes, Brain Chemistry, and Behavior

submitted by: admin on 03/24/2014
The microflora of the gut have more metabolic activity than any organ system in the human body. They live in a complex ecosystem that consists of trillions of microbes with which we live in a critical symbiosis. Studies in mice show that when they are treated with oral antibiotics their behavior can change from outgoing and curious to passive and withdrawn. As...

How Thoughts Affect Our Health and a Vaccine Update

submitted by: admin on 07/28/2020
What we think, feel, and do have profound effects on our biochemistry, physiology, and health. They modulate our neurotransmitters, hormones, immunity and much more. There's little that is unaffected by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This approach can make the difference of how our bodies are able to respond to Covid 19. Dr. Len and Francesco delve...

Intestinal Microbes Regulate Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Commensal bacteria in the human intestine produce a neurotransmitter called GABA that may play a role in preventing or treating inflammatory bowel disease. Bifidobacter dentium produces large amounts of GABA that regulates pain and inflammation. GABA may reduce pain and inflammation by stimulating the GABA receptor sites on nerve cells in the brain...

Laugh More and Stress Less with Alice Glasser, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Humor is a great healer. When we laugh we activate very powerful brain chemicals that support healing. Dr. Glasser gives examples and shows us how to use laughter to combat stress and its negative effects.          

Positive Attitude: Does it Matter?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
What we think is powerful medicine and it can be positive or negative. The importance noticing before judging is critical; how life feels is often neglected. Being grateful for what we have rather than what we don't is wise.            

Preview Alzheimer's Disease

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
  Alzheimer's disease is defined, its many memory loss and mood related symptoms described, and treatment reviewed. The role of drugs, nutrition, exercise, mental activity for Alzheimer sufferers, and challenges are revealed. The biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology are explained in simple language in this audio-only recording on many aspects of...

Stress, the GI Tract, and Immunity

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
The effects of stress on immunity has been studied and shows that it even affects the number and types of microbes that can survive in the human GI tract. Probiotics have a lot to do with digestion, synthesis of vitamins such as vitamin K, B5, B6 and biotin, stimulation of immunity, and regulation of immunity. Many scientists consider the stool in the gut an...

The Role of Spirit in Healing

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Our belief system has a powerful effect on our biochemistry and physiology. Many studies verify the value of connecting with spirit in the healing process. The styles of connection are reviewed.

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