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A Return To Healing Chapter 1: A Surprise Healing of My Wife's Illness

submitted by: admin on 03/22/2015
"A Surprise Healing of My Wife's Illness" describes the factors leading to a turning point in my relatiohship to medical practice. I can no longer restrict my practice to conventional medicine and begin a new journey of natural healing of the whole person.           A Return to Healing, Chapter 2  

Alcoholism is a Family Disease with Kay Kopit

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The entire family is involved, especially kids. Life is chaotic,confusing, and painful and not healthy. Love and caring are often missing yet responsibility and caretaking still predominate          

Allowing the Devine Through with John Kiefer

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Allowing the divine into our consciousness allows us to experience God in our everyday life. God is not an "elsewhere" God, he is an "everywhere" God. We are humans in search of the divine, which we can experience through our awareness in the moment when we focus. Nolthing exists outside of the divine in the universe; we need to remember that...

Attitudinal Breathing, HeartMath with David McArthur, JD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
HeartMath has been used to manage stress for years now. Making the shift from the experience of worry by intentionally focusing on the heart area and breathing through the heart that is uplifting and relaxing. The heart is the center of powerful feelings that provide tools to make a powerful positive physiological shift in our thinking and feeling. Shifting one...

Body, Mind Cooperation with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Body, mind, emotion, and spirit are merely perspectives of the holistic self. When we perceive separation there is less cooperation of between the perspectives. The interaction between body and mind becomes a skill that can be developed.          

Bodymind Communication with Sandy Blakeslee

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We carry our traumatic experiences in our muscles and nervous system long after the trauma. This can lead to PTSD. Bodyworkers can help release the held trauma so the PTSD leaves.        

Conscious Nutrition with Geoffrey Marx

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Conscious nutrition relates to the relationship we have with food and includes its growth, harvesting, preparation, and consumption. It is more than about how it is assimilated by the body. It also includes social factors that encourage community.        

Conscious Nutrition with Geoffry Marx

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Food is central to life and conscious nutrition is more than about biochemistry. It also relates to the environment at dinner time. Our culture is built on speed and fast food is a real problem. Appreciation of the soil, environmental impacts, and connections with family are integral factors. We are in relationship with all that there is.            

Educating Grade School Children about Alcoholism

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
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Energy Healing

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Historically, indigenous healers have relied on the power of belief and on natural remedies to help their patients. However, with the advent of the scientific method, what we did not understand we simply threw out. This returned spirituality to the church and introduced the randomized controlled trial (RCT) as the way to determine the truth of how...

Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
We cannot have a healthy cosmos if we aren't healthy ourselves. If we can improve the way we think, we can improve our overall health and the health of the planet and cosmos. Authenticity is at the core of good health.          

Health Medicine Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
  Health Medicine is defined, its history reviewed, and its principles described. It has been brought into clinical practice at the Health Medicine Center.          

Holism and Bodymind Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Body, mind, emotion, and spirit are inseparable. They are one thing, not four. What you think regulates the biochemistry and physiology of the body. Imagery is the language of the mind and what we imagine is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Physical disease is the somatic expession of psychospiritual dis-ease.            

Holistic Nutrition with Ed Bauman, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  Holistic nutrition looks are how everything fits together; this includes all aspect of food. It is important to appreciates how food interrelates with our culture and with nature. This provides great insights into how the world works and how we can influence how it functions.          

Integral Healing with Elliott Dacher, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Integral healing involves not only our self, but also how our health relates to our whole life story that includes our families, community, nation, planet, and universe. The composite of what makes a human being includes everything about us: our body, mind, emotion, spirit, and appreciates that we are inseparably connected to all that there is. Developing our...

Making the World a Better Place with John Easterling

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
What is our role in making the world a better place? Understanding how the world works is a starting place. Native indigenous tribes can teach us much. Giving, sharing, loving, contributing, caring, and being connected to the world are the foundation.

Mindbody Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
What we think profoundly affects our biochemistry and physiology. Managing our thoughts can have amazing benefits on our health. We can do this through a wide range of therapies that are presented.          

Peripheral Neuropathy Overview (PowerPoint)

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
It seems that peripheral neuropathy (PN) is becoming more and more common in medical practice today. I have seen more than a thousand people with PN over the past 15 years. There are a wide range of causes for PN and fortunately there is treatment for it that is revolutionary in my opinion. In this PowerPoint presentation, which is being presented to Alta Bates...

Science, Spirituality and Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/17/2016
This essay explores the roles of science and spirituality in our human experience and how they complement one another in our quest to understand how the Universe works. Click on the download box below to access the file  

Sugi Touch with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Sugi is Japanese for cedar tree and has connotations for holiness, eternity, and peace. Sugi touch is a hands on healing method blended from Feldenkrais and Alexander work. This gentle work can be powerful & life changing. Ofer describes what Sugi touch is and how it works.            

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