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A Manifesto for Medical Practice with Wes Rocki

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Today's medicine is fear based and geared to one size fits all. The new medicine is based on self healing, identifying the underlying psychospiritual roots of illness, and looking at the whole person. In his Manifesto for a New Medicine, Dr. Rocki shares his ideas about what needs to change in today's health care to provide health and vitality.              

America is Waking Up!

submitted by: admin on 09/15/2020
Until just a few weeks ago America has not only lived in chaos but also  responded with fear that has divided us. Yet we have found that chaos is  the precursor to change. And changing we are! As the truth of what has  emerged in the Covid 19 plandemic and in the hijacked marches for Black  Lives Matter, "we the people" are...

Anonymity Increases Medical Error Reports

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Flagging medical errors and emphasizing lack of punishment by maintaining anonymity leads to more reporting of errors. There are 100,000 deaths from medical errors annually according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM). A study published in the November 21 issue of Pediatrics showed that reports increased from 13 over 2.5 years to 216. However, none of the reports...

Assisted Death vs Assisted Suicide

submitted by: admin on 09/18/2013
Assisted suicide or assisted death is discussed as an approach to thoughtful treatment of end of life issues. Conventional medicine does not consider this option. Looking at death as the final learning process is discussed. Medical practice should be beyond business and convention. Patients are often so convinced that modern medicine is correct that there is...

Be Bold to Put the Real Truth Out There with Mike Robbins

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
Being willing to put yourself out there is an important principle of being authentic. Egos can take charge but need to be realistic. We need to find our edge and go just beyond it. Small steps such as saying "no" or taking time for ones self are examples.

Bringing New Ideas into the Mainstream with Raymond Francis

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Progress is totally dependent on new ideas, yet there is a tremendous resistance to change. Fear of doing something wrong is one issue. This is why many of us are afraid to buck the mainstream. Education is key for change; unfortunately it often takes decades.              

Dealing with a New Serious Disease

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
Who would you trust if you had a life-threatening illness. It is challenging to get the care you would like for several reasons that are discussed. There are legal and practical aspects impeding the care you might want.

Emotions as a Conveyor Belt of Fear with Vijaya Stallings

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Emotions are constantly running through us. Thoughts come and we have an emotional response to them. We ride an emotional roller coaster when we identify these feelings as who we are rather than our true nature.            

Fear of Dying During Heart Attack Linked to Increased Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Intense distress and fear of dying, as with a heart attack, is common and associated with biological changes of inflammation that can cause worse outcomes. About 20% of people having an MI have this intense fear. Intense fear of dying has a four fold increase in inflammatory markers such as TNF alpha and cortisol. Heart rate variability is also worsened by this...

Five Regrets of the Dying that are Lessons for the Living

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2018
The way we live our lives is not often the same as how we die. While our values during our lives are more oriented to accumulating wealth and power, when we or someone we love is near death our values change to relationships. We become more interested in restoring and nurturing relationships than our bank accounts, real estate portfolios, or other personal wealth....

Food and Addiction with Francesco Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Addiction is common and food is a very common addiction. When we are removed from their natural environment it leads to problems. Sugar and high fructose corn fructose are classic examples of how a natural environment is affected by change. We tend to put blame outside of ourselves, this is what victimization is.              

Harmony, Health, and Beauty, Colette DeVore, LAC

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
If your mind and body are in harmony with your spirit, love is present. With love comes health and beauty. We get out of harmony because of our fears. Beauty is not just skin deep. Chinese medicine can harmonize this process.        

Healing and Letting Go with Wes Rocki, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Being present requires letting go. For health care practitioners, letting go of their own training tools opens doors for new possibilities from CAM therapies. Letting go disempowers attachment to an outcome and supports a willingness to take a bigger look at one's situation in life. When we are ill we have often become entrained to the effects of our illness.            

Healing From Trauma with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The goal of Kathleen's treatment is to be in the moment. In trauma work we try to change tracks to a place from where we are revved up to a place where we are more relaxed and present. Noticing what happens when we're relaxed teaches us how life can be with practice. Breaking the usual track in life, even if it is dysfunctional, is what we try to do,...

Is Ebola a Scam?

submitted by: admin on 07/29/2019
Ebola and Marburg viruses cause hemorrhagic illnesses characterized by bleeding, multi-organ failure, and in 50-90%, death. The incubation period is 2-21 days and the disease is contracted from infected animals such as African monkeys, chimps, other primates, as well as from person to person spread through contact with infected body fluids or through shared needles....

Letting Go

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Body language often is different from what we say and feel. Paying attention to this can be a powerful tool to find our deepest truth. Finding the location of fear in our body can help us liberate us from negative thoughts.

Living Life Lightly to Reduce Stress with Sue Walden

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Stress is universal, some internal and some external. Our minds can turn life events into something stressful and we dwell in the past. Identifying stress is the first step. Most stresses are internally generated and controllable. Worry and fear sustain stress.

Making the Right Choice About the Covid 19 Vaccine

submitted by: admin on 04/13/2021
"Most Americans have acquiesced to the narrative of government agencies"   Len Saputo, MD   The policies of the CDC, FDA, and NIH have been sanctified by highly questionable motives of politicians, powerful individuals with nefarious agendas, and a controlled mainstream media. There is clearly another side of...

Never Fear Cancer Again

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2013
Cancer is a symptom of abnormal cellular function that is caused by nutritional deficiencies and toxicities rather than simple genetics. Actually, only 1-2% of cancers a strictly genetic and the rest are caused by epigenetics (lack of nutrients and excessive exposure to toxic environmental chemicals). There is a lot we can do to prevent cancer from developing...

Positive Energy with Judith Orloff, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Dr. Orloff gives us 10 tips on fatigue, stress and fear into strength and love. Differentiating negative and positive energy by using your intuition and choosing the right solution for you. Energy vampires are described.              

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