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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Dealing with death and dying is a very important issue. For some this is an overwhelming problem and for others it can be a time to make peace with what is happening. We need to come to terms with our situation and make important decisions about how we're going to deal with many challenging issues. Dying people need help with psychospiritual issues as well...
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
A Harvard study that was published in the October issue of the NEJM, documented that Americans are considerably less trusting of the medical profession compared to people in most other industrialized countries. Low income Americans are the worst hit and are three times less likely to skip doctor visits, fill prescriptions, or obtain tests, treatment, and follow...
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
There are no studies defining when kids should be screened for cholesterol, yet there are accepted standards published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published in the journal, Pediatrics, proclaiming that kids should be screened beginning at age 2 according to the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
The reasoning for this...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There are 3 charges against Big Pharma. Patents give them a monopoly on a drug, the cost of advertizing is paid for by the consumer, and new unnecessary products are brought to market to renew patents.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Physicians are primarily concerned with providing the best laboratory tests and patient care possible, and cost is not a huge consideration. A study published in Internal Medicine in April of 2013 showed that if hospitals would post the cost of tests on lab requisitions that MDs would pay more attention to ordering fewer and less expensive tests. In...
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
We spend too much money for what we get back in service, and our health care is rated only 37th in the world. End of life care uses half of all money spent on health care. MDs need to become involved in deciding how money is going to be spent on what. It takes a community of people to make a collaborative decision that is sensible.
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
America spends 2.3 trillion dollars on health care and yet 46 million working Americans still do not have health insurance. The insurance industry only cares about profits. We need to consider a national insurance option for competition.
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
ER physicians are at particular risk for law suits and they tend to over-test people to protect them from making diagnostic errors; they don't know these patients. As a result this drives up the cost for health care.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Tens of thousands of metal on metal artificial hips are failing years earlier than expected and are requiring a second surgery to take the old device out and put in a new one. There has been no tracking system to follow how they do, although after the fact a tracking system is being implemented by orthopedists now. This is coming at a price of about $1 billion....
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
Health care costs are no longer affordable. We have a model based on getting sick rather than on staying well. This is a failed system: half of us have a chronic disease, the system is not safe, and we cannot afford to sustain it.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
A Jewish study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that employees who found time to exercise 4 hours a week had a 50% lower rate of job burnout. Smart businesses provide exercise programs for their employees because productivity goes up and health care costs go down.
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
Health care costs cause half of all bankruptcies in the US and 94% are threatened by them. Even major corporations cannot compete with foreign businesses because of the cost of health insurance. We need health care reform to control costs. This likely means a new paradigm based on wellness and prevention are necessary.
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
The demise of the US auto industry in large part was related to unaffordable health care costs. GM has been referred to as an insurance company that makes cars! US health care costs are double most industrialized countries.
submitted by: admin on 02/08/2025
Health care reform needs to be centered on health care, not disease care. We need political reform too; reform that is not beseiged by conflicts of interest. Universal health care is off the table, and now single payer is being considered. Compromising with insurance companies is not a reasonable solution because it does not take into account the skyrocketing...
submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
Dr. Bristow is a former president of the national AMA and reviews the challenges he has faced in health care throughout his distinguished career. He also presents his ideas for solutions to what we're now facing in health care from the points of view of cost, availability of insurance, the epidemic of chronic diseases, and the safety of medications.
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine in February of 2012, patients with the highest satisfaction with their MDs had fewer visits to the ER, but a 26% higher mortality rate! Mortality outcomes on 36,000 people over 4 years was collected by researchers from UC Davis Medical Center. The most satisfied patients spent about 9% more on health...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The government has taken the position that health care reform will lead to cost savings by being more proficient. However, we're adding 30 million more people to the system and are still trying to save costs...where's the logic? The problem is that the economy cannot stand to reduce health care costs because it is an economic stimulus in itself.
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The cost of health care is highest in the last year of life. This is a difficult issue as the question is where can money be spent the best. We spend 50% of all health care dollars in the last year of life. This is discussed.
submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
Many studies show that mammograms in women under 50 are not useful. The US is the only country that does mammograms in this age group. The reasons are explained. Too many biopsies result and many cancers are missed that lead to stress and unnecessary costs.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical experts are calling for resident working hour restrictions to prevent medical errors from medical resident fatigue and lack of supervision. They called for sweeping changes in the design, supervision and financing of US hospital residency programs to protect both patients and medical residents in training from serious, preventable medical errors, and...