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Chronic Illnesses Require Chronic Solutions with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 07/27/2024
A quick fix for chronic problems is not often realistic. Being consistent to neutralize our trouble is the key. Stress is another problem that takes a consistent effort. The wellness buffer and looking at underlying problems is discussed.

Chronic Problems Need Chronic Solutions with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 07/27/2024
Doing a little every day to deal with stress or pain is more realistic to resolve problems that have been present for a long time. It may be possible to deal with symptoms of chronic disease quickly, but the body needs time to recover.

Use It or Lose It with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Abuse it and lose it is another way to look at exercise. Overdoing exercise and be at risk of a repetitive stress injury. Sports injuries are usually the result of overuse. Balanced exercise is safer and more productive.            

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