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submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
For young adults in college, appearance matters more than their health according to research out of the University of Missouri. Researchers created a play about women's body images that divulged their insecurities about their own bodies and about the importance of nutrition. At the end of the performance the actors remained in character and anwsered questions...
submitted by: admin on 06/22/2015
There is a relationship between consciousness and matter that Arthur Young's Theory explains. There are four levels of existence: fire, water, air, earth. In physics these levels are: photons, nuclear particles, organization into the atom, and lastly organization into molecules.
submitted by: admin on 06/22/2015
The toroidal shape of the universe is central to understanding Arthur Young's Theory of Process. This shape is related to an evolutionary process that culminates in humans. It is the journey from light to enlightenment.
submitted by: admin on 06/22/2015
Is consciousness primary or secondary? How consciousness, matter and light interrelate is discussed. The theory of process is presented in a very novel way.
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The Women's Health Initiative documented that instead of preventing breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes that it did just the opposite. The story behind the creation of HRT is shocking and Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki share it. The financial greed of big pharma is exposed.
Yet women need help with their symptoms of menopause that make their quality of...
submitted by: admin on 10/04/2013
An article published in the August 2013 issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine reviewed 7200 MDs and 900 of their partners and found that there was more burnout and depresssion and more work-home conflicts in MDs working longer hours, are younger, are female, and who hold academic positions at teaching medical centers.
Medical training...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
Reconciling science and spirituality is possible through the philosophy of Arthur Young. The Theory of Bioprocess is the outcome of work from Frank Barr and Mike Buchele.
submitted by: admin on 12/11/2013
Health care in the world has become unaffordable and we can no longer sustain our present health care paradigm. Unless we take care of ourselves by living a healthy lifestyle we will not be able to survive financially. People are living much longer today than even a decade ago and the younger generation is unable to pay for the cost of the epidemic of chronic...
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Anti-aging strategies and dangers of Premarin, Provera, and Botox are discussed. Big Pharma can sell most anything to both patients and doctors. The Women's Health Initiative Study showed how dangerous HRT is.
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
According to an article published in the October issues of the journal, Neurology, stroke is affecting people at a younger age. In 1995 13% of all strokes occurred in people between 20 and 50 years old. That number rose to 19% in 2005.
The reason for this increase in incidence in younger people is that we're seeing conditions such as type 2...
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Zometa, a bisphosphonate drug used to prevent bone metastases in women with breast cancer, was serendipitously found to reduce metastases and extend life by 37%. This translates to 4-5 out of 100 being alive 7 years later. An IV infusion was given every six months for 3 years. Cost is between $1500 and $2500 per injection. All patients were early-stage and had...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
How consciousness gets in to matter is explored. Which is primary, consciousness or matter? This is a mute question; we're conscious, what more do we need? The Theory of Process of Frank Barr is described.
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
Not everyone ages at the same rate. Maintaining good movement is one key to staying young. The human body is accommodating; if you treat it with respect it becomes responsive. It does not involve forcing.