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Detoxification with Linda Berry, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Detoxification is not practiced in western medicine. It is hard to believe the toxicity of disease is unaddressed. Methods of detoxification are addressed.            

Hospital Food

submitted by: admin on 10/23/2024
Hospital food leaves much to be desired for people whose metabolic needs are dramatically increased. Nutritional medicine is seriously under appreciated.

Ignored Medical Breakthroughs

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Every year there are advances in research that should be brought forward into clinical practice but don't make it because of conflicts of interest. One reason is that new technologies may require more study or financial investment by the practitioner. Second, new technologies will replace old ones that are profitable. The example of the photon stimulator...

Long Term Manifestations of Domestic Violence

submitted by: admin on 11/25/2013
An excellent article in the November 2013 issue of More Magazine reported that 25% of all women are victims of domestic violence. Two million women are injured annually by domestic violence, 25% require medical care, and 1300 die! Sixty percent of those going to emergency rooms are strangled and one in three lost consciousness.  MDs and dentists...

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