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Expressing Your True Self with Kathleen Dunbar

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
Habits hold us back; we learn them. As children our role models often create problems for us that haunt us for the rest of our lives unless we evolve. Physical dysfunction often is the result of role models that don't serve our needs. Choice is what can save us, so long as we can express it; from the truth of ourself. Therapy is learning what doesn't...

Finding Authentic Purpose

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Cultural creativity depends on finding authentic purpose. In our most private moments we recognize where we are not authentic; we must at least notice and then imagine how we can change. The applies to businesses too.

Finding Balance in Life with Lee Lipsenthal, MD

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
  Balancing work, family, health, friends, and spirit. Work is a rubber ball and the others are made of glass. Balance ultimately comes from the heart. You cannot give what you don't have, and love is what is involved. Technology has led to much of what has unbalanced us. Take time for yourself; quiet time. Be playful and get and give enough love;...

Finding Information on

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025 has a wealth of information in it drawing upon our massive (and growing) Health & Wellness Media Library. We hope that you will take the time to explore what Dr. Saputo and our worldwide experts have to offer. How do I find information on this site? You can do this three ways: 1) Keyword Search Keywords...

Finding the Cause of Pain with Alon Marcus, OMD

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
Dealing with pain is important but unless we determine the underlying cause, our treatment can be off base and lead to too many ineffective treatments. An inquiring mind is key to embracing this approach.

The Challenge of Finding Purpose with Dixon de Lena

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025
          The integration of business, planet and society is a clear need for today's culture. Living a life of service brings up important questions about what we're doing today. The economic trap makes it difficult to focus on purpose. Most of us look for purpose that satisfies conventional standards of living. Living an authentic...

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