It's Time for Senator Max Baucus to Resign

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2025

Tell us it ain’t so, Max. Three disturbing phenomena seem to be converging around the person of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chair of the most important Congressional committee working on health care reform. First: From his perch as head of the Senate Finance Committee, Baucus is increasingly taking center stage in the battle over health-care reform. Second, chairman Baucus has also emerged as the leading recipient of Senate campaign contributions from the health care industry, receiving nearly $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008. And finally, with Mr. Baucus increasingly holding the bag (of cash and power), the health-care reform process has turned more and more in favor of Baucus’s industry patrons, especially Pharma and the insurance industry. That’s why for our first blog post, we are calling for the resignation of Chairman Baucus for severe conflict of interest, and for making the Senate Finance Committee a mockery of the democratic process. See the press release, BAUCUS CASHES IN AS HEALTH REFORM BOTTOMS OUT.
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