Why it is Time to End Routine Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2015

In a commentary by Eric Topol, MD, in May of 2015 in WebMD, he stated that there is more harm than good for screening mammography...and Vicki and I agree! He reported that all evidence from 1960-2014 for 10,000 women screened annually for 10 years, there are only 5 deaths. However, there were more than 6100 false positive tests that led to additional imaging and biopsy and represents a 61% false positive rate. This also came at a cost of an extra $4 billion per year and considerable over-diagnosis and over-treatment! 

It is time to find a better screening test for breast cancer for women at any age. Perhaps it is time for our radiologists to look into doing breast thermography.




Why it is Time to End Routine Mammograms (Video)

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