Breast Thermography: Accurate breast cancer risk assessment with thermal imaging

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2024




Normal MammothermThe greatest loss of life from breast cancer occurs betweeen the ages of 30 and 50. Fortunatly, women today have more options availble to them to help in the detection of breast cancer than in the past decades. Unfortunarly, education and awereness of these options, and their effectiveness in detecting breast cancer at different stages in life, are woefully deficient.


Breast thermography, or "MammoTherms," involve using a heat-sensing scanner to detect variations in the temperature of breast tissue. The technology has been around since the 1960s, however, early infrared scanners were not very sensitive and they were insufficiently tested before being put into clinical practice. This resulted in misdiagnosed cases.

Modern-day technology is vastly improved 
and more extensive scientific clinical breast thermography research is available, with data from major peer review journals and research on more than 300,000 women who have been tested. It has been successful in detecting breast cancer more accurately than other methods, and the technology is also gaining ground among more progressive practitioners, such as the Health Medicine Center.

Breast thermography has demonstrated a higher degree of success
in identifying women with breast cancer under the age of 55 in comparison to other technologies, and it's also an effective adjunct to clinical breast exams and mammography for women over 55. Finally, it provides a non-invasive and safe detection method, and if introduced at age 25, provides a benchmark that future scans can be compared with for even greater detection accuracy.

Abnormal MammothermThis thermal imaging technology has been validated as effective and approved by the FDA for breast cancer risk assessment. Recent studies have documented that thermography, as a single test, has 99% accuracy in identifying breast cancer in women in the 30 to 55 age group. For women over 55 the accuracy is still an impressive 95%.


What You Should Know About Breast Thermography


Breast Thermography: Is It Underutilized?


The FDA published information in Journal Watch in June of 2011 that is packed with presumptive and incorrect information about breast thermography and they have to know it! Breast thermography was approved in 1982 as an adjunct to mammography to evaluate for breast cancer. In 2004 the FDA rejected breast thermography as a stand alone test for breast cancer screening by a vote of 5-4. Three of the members voting against it had a conflict of interest because of ties to the mammography industry.

Nonetheless Helen Barr, MD, the director of the Division of Mammography Quality and Radiation Programs in the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health stated, "While there is plenty of evidence that mammography is effective in breast cancer detection, there is simply no evidence that thermography can take its place." Come on, Dr. Barr, keep up with the current and the old literature on this much needed test!


Breast Thermography: Is It Underutilized? (Video)

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