Chlorophyll Can Help Prevent Cancer

submitted by: admin on 05/27/2016


Chlorophyll protects against cancer when tested against the relatively low levels of carcinogens usually found in our environment. However, at high concentrations it actually increases cancer growth! It is interesting how nature produces our food in that it has chemicals that are clearly carcinogenic in them, but also includes the antidote, chlorophyll. This was an argument that organic foods were not necessary, however, for me I don't need the extra carcinogen load in my food. So, eat your greens and you'll have just the right amount of cancer preventing chlorophyll.





Cancer Prevention Strategies Health Assessment



If you want to be proactive about preventing cancer this is the Health Assessment for you. We will ask you questions about lifestye factors that include your diet, exercise, sleep, stress, weight, exposure to sunlight, and exposure to environmental toxins and provide you with information that can help you maximize your body's ability to defend against cancer. Cancer is more of an epigenetic than genetic disease and most of it is preventable!









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