Adding Proton Pump Inhibitors to NSAIDs

submitted by: admin on 11/22/2019

NSAIDs cause ulcers and proton pump inhibitors help prevent them. Why not combine them? Novel thought, but how wise is this? A clinical trial was done over a 30 day period that showed that GI bleeding was substantially reduced by this combination.

There are many problems with this kind of reasoning. First, most people aren't on NSAIDs for only 30 days because pain usually lasts much longer. In addition it is necessary to ask the question, how smart is it to take one drug that causes 30,000 deaths and 300,000 hospitalizations every year and because it causes problems with GI bleeding, to add to it a second drug that has another set of side effects that are worrisome? You have to give credit to the advertizing department of Big Pharma. They have hoodwinked some doctors and now they're trying to do the same to us!



Adding Proton Pump Inhibitors to NSAIDs (Video)

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